Sofra Grill
Sofra Grill serves Turkish Kebabs in Westfield Helensvale, QLD. The owner had previous takeaway food experience, but not in a shopping centre. The menu boards were beautiful, but did nothing to explain what each food type was, what the ingredients were and how much everything was. The inline store was complemented by a licensed seating area in the mall space, but no-one knew that the two were in any way ‘connected’ apart from nasty signs stuck to the tables telling customers that they couldn’t eat food from other shops there
Helping Ryan to understand the more positive ways of communicating a message, Retail Experience created a set of table POS – a DL menu that explained the ‘Kebab 4 Ways’ and some A3 placemats that defined the space as belonging to Sofra Grill in a more assertive way. We also added battery operated votive candles inside glass jars to highlight the space from a distance. This worked a treat, and Retail Experience were then engaged to redesign the menu boards, working with the Retail Design Manager for design approval prior to print.